GMB fear massive wage cuts for care home staff in Ealing
GMB call on Labour group in Ealing Council to avert pay cuts for lower paid women workers in outsourced care homes.
GMB call on Labour group in Ealing Council to avert pay cuts for lower paid women workers in outsourced care homes.
GMB Protest at Watford General Hospital on Thursday 10th November in dispute over pay.
Ambulance services across the South East, East and London are consistently failing to achieve vital targets set for response times for the year to August 2016
A strike by GMB members employed by Kier Environmental services on the North Norfolk refuse and recycling contract on Monday 24th October has been averted
We need more years of growth to fill the gap and to meet the ever rising cost of housing says GMB London. The real value of earnings for all full-time employees resident in London…
Average rents for a two bedroom property rise to over a third of average pay in 14 east of England authorities new GMB study shows
A massive programme to build more homes is absolutely essential and has to get underway without delay says GMB. The average rents for two bedroom apartments has risen to more than…
Members do the same difficult job as their colleagues in Kings Lynn, working long hours in all weather but they receive a significantly lower rate of pay says GMB
GMB rebutted the claims made by Kier Environmental Services management over the strike by GMB members over pay in North Norfolk.
The high turnout and acceptance of industrial strike action is a clear indicator to the company of GMB members resolve to achieve a decent rate of pay says GMB.