Income tax cuts should offset increase in green taxes to £15 per week
GMB London calls on government for 50% hike to £15 per week in green taxes to be offset with equivalent cut in income taxes for all workers except those on high pay.
GMB London calls on government for 50% hike to £15 per week in green taxes to be offset with equivalent cut in income taxes for all workers except those on high pay.
Let’s work together to get Labour elected for Christmas. Come and join us in these key seats across the Region
Come along and join us for the big union campaign days in Uxbridge, Dagenham, Thurrock and Peterborough
GMB Success at London Labour Regional Conference
Moving and Emotional Tribute by Vaughan West, GMB London Region Political Officer
GMB London Region Officers, Gary Doolan and Richard O’Leary, receive posthumous Labour Party Awards.
The Conservative party have shown their true colours in their Manifesto with their attitude towards Pensioners.