UnionLine is your law firm - owned by GMB for GMB members. It’s an added and unique benefit of your GMB membership.
UnionLine provides legal services to members throughout the UK, working with selected specialist panel firm partners to provide local and specialist support for employment and personal injury claims where needed.
1. Who are UnionLine?
UnionLine is a Law Firm specialising in personal injury and employment law to support GMB members when they need us the most.
2. Who owns UnionLine?
UnionLine is owned by GMB and CWU members. We are the only law firm in the UK 100 per cent owned by two Trade Unions.
3. Can I make a Personal Injury claim through UnionLine?
Yes. As a GMB member, you have access to UnionLine’s services including our experienced personal injury department.
4. What kind of personal injury claim can I make?
Any accident that was not your fault and resulted in an injury can be assessed by us. Whether this is at work, in a car, on the street, in a shop it does not matter. UnionLine specialise in all different types of accidents.
5. What will it cost me?
As a Union member you have access to UnionLine services as part of your Union subscription fees. We do not take deductions from any compensation, and we don’t charge insurance fees. Providing you remain a fully paid member then we do not charge you. 9/10 our fees will be paid by the insurance company for the third party responsible for the accident. If your claim is unsuccessful then your Union will cover the fees.
6. Do UnionLine take anything from my compensation if I am successful in my claim?
No. You keep 100 per cent providing you remain a fully paid GMB member.
7. What will UnionLine do to help me?
UnionLine will do all the work from initial instructions to the final settlement. We will deal with all aspects of the claims process and guide you throughout. We will fight to prove liability, obtain medical evidence, arrange medical treatment, and present the best claim possible to the other side. If we need to take the claim to court, then we will deal with all of that and again guide you through to minimise the impact on you.
8. How long will it take?
Every claim is different. They can take from 6 months to years depending on the injuries suffered and the length of time taken to recover from them. We do not put a timeframe on claims but do actively progress them to ensure the very best outcome for you.
9. What can I claim for?
Depending on the injuries and losses you have suffered UnionLine will look to recover everything on your behalf. We aim to put you in the position you would have been in had the accident have not happened. We will claim for things such as any lost earnings, medical expenses, damaged items, future medical treatment, care and assistance, loss of enjoyment of holidays or the gym etc. This is in addition to the pain and suffering you have gone through because of the injuries suffered.
10. How long do I have to make a claim?
The general rule is 3 years from the date of the specific injury, but we will discuss this with you when you call us as it’s not an exact science for some injuries so best we discuss.
11. How do I get started?
Simple call 0300 333 0303 and press the option for personal injury. Alternatively, you can register your claim by scanning the QR code below or by completing a TU56 form from your region.
Scan the QR code below or visit: Can you make a claim? | UNIONLINE
12. Can my family make a personal injury claim through UnionLine?
UnionLine can provide legal support and representation to your family members subject to qualifying criteria and region. What we cannot do is assist where a family member has been involved in an accident while at work and they aren’t a member. To help would require them to become a GMB member. But again, call us and talk to one of our advisors.