Average earnings in East of England 9.9% below real value of earnings in 2007
Average earnings in East of England still lag 9.9% below real value of earnings in 2007 after inflation
Average earnings in East of England still lag 9.9% below real value of earnings in 2007 after inflation
Average earnings in London still lag 15.5% below real value of earnings in 2007 after inflation
Average earnings in East of England in 2017 are still only 89.4% of real value in 2007 after inflation new GMB study shows
Average earnings in London in 2017 are still only 84.6% of real value in 2007 after inflation new GMB study shows
Earnings in 27 London boroughs still below 2007 level once inflation has been taken into account new GMB study shows
Earnings in all 9 areas in the East of England still below 2007 level once inflation has been taken into account new GMB study shows