GMB London Region Proud to Support MothreRED
MotheRED is a new imitative launched by Stella Creasy MP and others to encourage more mothers to stand for parliament
MotheRED is a new imitative launched by Stella Creasy MP and others to encourage more mothers to stand for parliament
Labour East will be holding its first conference since February 2020 in Stevenage over the weekend of Friday 5th to 7th November.
Last week the GMB announced we would be balloting our members who work for the Labour Party over compulsory redundancies.
With the Mayoral and Assembly elections in London, County, District Councils and Police and Crime Commissioner elections everywhere else across GMB London Region on 6th May, how…
Do you want to find out more about why trade unions ‘do’ politics in a welcoming space? Are you thinking about getting more politically active in the Labour Party?
An introduction to the Labour Party for trade unionists
Text of the statement from GMB London branch for staff working for the Labour Party
Text of the statement from GMB London branch for staff working for the Labour Party