About GMB London Region
GMB is one of Britain’s largest and fastest-growing trade unions
GMB's main purpose is to improve the pay and conditions of members in their workplaces. The best way to do that is to increase the number of GMB members as this strengthens the Union's negotiating, campaigning and organising agendas. The more GMB members in a workplace, the more influence you will have with your employer in negotiating improvements to employee benefits.
GMB is a general union - which means that anyone can join us. GMB has over 600,000 members and every worker has the fundamental right to join GMB, and to take part in its activities. We make sure that our members are treated with dignity and respect whilst they are at work and that they have the correct support, representation and protection against unfair or unjust working practices or treatment.
GMB has members in every part of the UK economy doing every type of job imaginable. GMB members are from all walks of life and are made up of a wide and diverse cross section of Britain's society.
If you have yet to join the GMB and would like to do so, you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk/join
If you are interested in becoming a GMB Health and Safety Rep or a Workplace Organiser then please get in touch with your local GMB Representatives and your local GMB office
If you would like to contact me or any one of our Regional staff members for further inquiries then please email my PA, Amita Bajaj at Amita.Bajaj@gmb.org.uk
Yours in Comradeship
Warren Kenny
London Regional Secretary
GMB Rulebook following Congress 2023