Drivers union demands that TfL must scrutinise Addison Lee’s behaviour
During an Employment Tribunal this week, it was revealed on 29th October that a senior executive of Addison Lee faked email evidence presented to the Tribunal.
During an Employment Tribunal this week, it was revealed on 29th October that a senior executive of Addison Lee faked email evidence presented to the Tribunal.
GMB London members who are private hire vehicle and Taxi drivers have first-hand knowledge and experience of the dangers and risks endured by passengers and drivers alike.
Following a police notification to TFL, a GMB member operating in the capital immediately had their licence revoked. Feeling the action to be unjust, our GMB member contacted GMB…
GMB London will be working in collaboration with Transport for London (TfL) with the distribution of PPE for licensed Private Hire and Taxi drivers. From the rear car park at our…
GMB London welcomes the initiative by Transport for London (TfL) to support the Taxi and Private Hire sector with the provision of supplies and advice to protect drivers and passengers…
GMB London condemns Boris Johnson’s strict terms for a lifeline to maintain London’s transport system and the multiple demands to terms and conditions for funding
GMB London has previously warned TFL that it should hold the information on private hire drivers and not just the private hire vehicle operators who currently hold full control…
GMB London, the union for private hire drivers is calling for Uber to respect drivers and stop treating them with Dickensian actions and attitudes not fit for today’s wold of employment
Back Heathrow campaign requested FOI requests from five London boroughs and Transport for London, asking each how much had been spent opposing the Heathrow airport expansion