GMB calls for Uber to respect drivers as Uber court appeal hearing on Monday 14th September looms

GMB London, the union for private hire drivers is calling for Uber to respect drivers and stop treating them with Dickensian actions and attitudes not fit for today’s wold of employment
On Monday 14th September an appeal by Uber to have a new licence granted will be heard by London Magistrates following the decision last year by TFL not to renew the license due to safety concerns.
Since Uber were originally licenced, GMB Union has maintained the view that public and driver safety is a prerequisite. Safety concerns over driver identities and insurance have dogged Uber as well as claims from other local licensing authorities in relation to London drivers collecting hundreds of miles away.
Uber is threating to pull out of the Californian market if they have to pay drivers as employees, as is the case in the UK following the Supreme Court judgement outcome which was won by GMB members. Uber have been given the right to appeal this decision but our members very much hope that the Supreme Court will uphold this decision, ensuring that the gains achieved by the decision are maintained.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“Just because a company fixes its failings it does not absolve it from legal remedy, just as any criminal apprehended after several years will have to face the judiciary.
Uber continues in the same vain, to disconnect drivers for days on end following false accusations, depriving them of an income and leaving them in precarious financial circumstances.
On this point you can be sure that Uber are pleased that behaviour towards drivers is not a licensing condition.”
A GMB member Uber driver said:
“If Uber appeal Uber will still operate but at least now there are other choices for drivers. I just wish Uber would respect drivers more.”
On Monday 14th September an appeal by Uber to have a new licence granted will be heard by London Magistrates following the decision last year by TFL not to renew the license due to safety concerns.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643
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