

Neurodiversity is a term which describes the natural differences in the way that people think and process information.


GMB’s Thinking Differently at Work campaign calls on employers to create a positive working environment for neurodivergent workers. 


Neurodiversity includes autism spectrum conditions, ADHD, dyslexia, and dyspraxia.


Workers who have these conditions may encounter problems in the workplace and not have their unique strengths that come from thinking differently recognised or valued.


At least one in ten working-age adults are neurodivergent in some way. Not all neurodivergent workers have had a formal diagnosis or may not have disclosed to their employer that they are neurodivergent.


Unfortunately, most workplaces and working practices are not designed to be inclusive of people with these natural differences in thinking and processing information and this can create barriers to neurodivergent people doing their job. This in turn, can lead to discrimination, stress and even job loss. 


No worker should have to face these challenges alone. GMB is with members in their workplaces, providing support and ensuring there is an inclusive, respectful, and understanding work environment.


GMB has put together a model letter for use with your employer, as well as a model policy that can be adapted and adopted for your workplace.