An introduction to the Labour Party for Trade Unionists

Do you want to find out more about why trade unions ‘do’ politics in a welcoming space? Are you thinking about getting more politically active in the Labour Party?
Do you want to find out more about why trade unions ‘do’ politics in a welcoming space? Are you thinking about getting more politically active in the Labour Party?
Following a successful pilot, earlier this year, Labour Unions (TULO) are rolling out a training event for any trade union activist who is interested in becoming more involved in politics In general and specifically the Labour Party.
This free, online, interactive training for trade union members will give you a better understanding of why trade unions engage in politics, the importance of the trade union link to the Labour Party and why the link means Labour is grounded in the lives of working people.
These cross-union sessions will be open, discursive, and based around your experiences. You’ll come away with understanding about how the Labour Party works and how to get more involved in Labour Party activity.
The training takes place online over two sessions on Wednesday November 25th 2020 from 6.00pm to 7.30pm and again at the same time on Wednesday December 2nd 2020.
Places are strictly limited so please only RSVP if you can attend both sessions. Please also bear in mind that this is an introductory course.
If you have any questions or would like help filling out the form you can call Joe at Labour Unions on 07508 400187 or email
From 6.00pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday November 25th & Wednesday December 2nd
Sign up here