GMB call on Epping council to offer more suitable proposals to house vulnerable adults

GMB call on Epping Forest Council to come forward with more suitable proposals to house vulnerable adults at meeting on Thursday 9th March.
Although we understand the need to house all vulnerable people, we believe that housing vulnerable adults with homeless families is not the answer says GMB London.
GMB call on Epping Forest District Council to come forward with more suitable proposals to the £345,000 pilot scheme to house 6 vulnerable adults in containers at the councils Homeless Persons Hostel at Norway House, North Weald.
The council proposal, to be discussed at the Cabinet Meeting on Thursday 9 March 2017 starting at 7.00 pm, also includes looking at the appointment of a private security company to provide security officers to attend Norway House when required.
Dave Powell, GMB Regional Officer said:
“The Council admit in the report that the vast majority of single vulnerable people have serious mental health issues, which can include schizophrenia, psychosis, and bi-polar disorder and is undoubtedly a heightened risk. There will be no increase in staff at Norway House and the risk assessment is all about financial risk.”
“Although we understand the need to house all vulnerable people, we believe that housing vulnerable adults with homeless families is not the answer and potentially puts families and staff at risk. Containers at Norway House is not the right answer.”
Contact: Dave Powell on 07710 631349
Notes to editors:
1) Details on the meeting can be found here, with Pilot Scheme for the Provision of Modular Temporary Accommodation for Single Vulnerable Homeless People – Norway House, North Weald starting on page 173: