GMB join further protest against Haringey Development Vehicle on Thursday 2 March

GMB join further protest on Thursday 2 March calling on Haringey council to abandon plans for development vehicle (HDV).
Nobody disputes the need to bring much needed regeneration projects to the borough but this should not be done by selling off the family silver says GMB London.
GMB are to join the emergency lobby of Haringey Council on Thursday 2 March 2017 in support of 10 Labour and 8 Liberal Democrat Councillors who are challenging the council decision to give £2 billion of council property to private developer, Lendlease.
The special meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee has been called to review and scrutinise the decision made by the council cabinet on 14 February on the proposed Haringey Development Vehicle and choice of Lendlease as the preferred bidder.
GMB have requested the right to speak to the Committee before they make a decision.
The emergency lobby will start at 6pm at the Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green N22 8LE.
Warren Kenny, GMB London region secretary, said
“GMB welcomes the brave decision of the 10 Labour and 8 Liberal Democrat Councillors to challenge the cabinet decision over the Haringey Development Vehicle and Lendlease. We again call on the Council to take a step back and review this decision.
“Nobody disputes the need to bring much needed regeneration projects to the borough but this should not be done by selling off the family silver or at the expense of current and future Council tenants.”
Contact: Vaughan West on 07711 613692
Notes to editors:
1) petition calling on Sadiq Khan to require that regeneration takes place ONLY when there is resident support:
2) GMB press release 14 February 2017
The leadership of Haringey Council need to listen before taking a £2 billion pound give away gamble of their assets at tonight's Cabinet meeting says GMB London
GMB welcomes David Lammy’s statement today, 14 February 2017, on Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) in which he raises concerns over the joint venture. [See notes for GMB press release13 February 2017 and a copy of David Lammy’s statement]
The Member of Parliament for Tottenham outlines concerns around ‘the affordability of the new homes that the HDV will deliver; the bidding process and choice of a private partner; the employment practices of the preferred bidder Lend Lease and the need for more thorough consultation with Haringey residents.’
He also calls for Haringey Council to ‘guarantee that current residents will have the right to return to their homes on the same terms as they currently live following any redevelopment that takes place.’
A march takes place today, assembling at 5.00pm on Ducketts Common, Wood Green with a rally starting at 6.00pm at Haringey Civic Centre, 255 High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. The full cabinet meeting, where the approval of the preferred bidder will be given, starts at 6.30pm at the Civic Centre.
Warren Kenny, GMB London region secretary, said
“The leadership of Haringey Council need to listen, before taking a £2 billion pound give away gamble of their assets at tonight's Cabinet meeting.
They should heed the concerns not only of GMB and other trade unions, but the concerns of the local community, their own Oversight and Scrutiny Committee and their two local MPs.
As David Lammy the MP for Tottenham has said ‘the Council must not pursue a policy of this nature and on this scale without scrutiny, oversight, consultation and guarantees to mitigate the financial risks to local taxpayers’”
3) David Lammy, MP for Tottenham Statement on Haringey Development Vehicle, 14 February 2017
In recent months many constituents, local Labour Party members, community organisations and trade unions have raised concerns about the Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) with me. I share many of these concerns, and have raised them with the Council Chief Executive and Council Leader both in writing and in person on a number of occasions.
I raised concerns with Haringey Council Chief Executive Nick Walkley in two joint letters from myself and my Haringey Labour colleague Catherine West MP on 19th December and 11th January, which I have published here.
I am particularly concerned about the affordability of the new homes that the HDV will deliver; the bidding process and choice of a private partner; the employment practices of the preferred bidder Lend Lease and the need for more thorough consultation with Haringey residents.
I have serious concerns about the significant financial risks that a development of this scale involves, and the lack of oversight and scrutiny of the process so far – issues that were raised by the Haringey Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee last month.
I also want to make my position absolutely clear on current residents that will be affected by the HDV: the Council must guarantee that current residents will have the right to return to their homes on the same terms as they currently live following any redevelopment that takes place under the HDV.
Despite the huge challenges that Haringey Council faces in terms of funding and budget cuts, it is essential that our local authority is able to deliver high-quality genuinely affordable homes; mixed, safe communities; and jobs for the residents of Haringey.
This, however, must not come at the expense of the people of Haringey, and the Council must not pursue a policy of this nature and on this scale without scrutiny, oversight, consultation and guarantees to mitigate the financial risks to local taxpayers.
4) GMB Press release 13 February 2017
The Haringey Development Vehicle will not build one council house and will hand over the whole current stock to private enterprise says GMB London
GMB, along with other unions and the local community will hold a march and rally on Tuesday 14th February to stop Haringey Council giving £2bn of council property, including council houses, libraries, parks, health centres, community centres, shops and schools to private developers.
Lendlease, an Australian property and infrastructure group, is the preferred bidder, with whom Haringey Council will establish the joint venture. The Haringey Development Vehicle will be a 50/50 partnership and will take over council property and land in Wood Green, Tottenham, Hornsey and Muswell Hill.
The march will assemble at 5.00pm on Ducketts Common, Wood Green with the rally starting at 6.00pm at Haringey Civic Centre, 255 High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. The full cabinet meeting, where the approval of the preferred bidder will be given, starts at 6.30pm at the Civic Centre.
GMB have written to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of London and MP’s Catherine West and David Lammy to express concern around the privatisation of Haringey’s estates and buildings. [See notes to editors for copy of the letter sent to the Mayor of London]
Warren Kenny, GMB London region secretary, said
“GMB London are concerned around the reckless privatisation pursued by Haringey Council's leadership. The proposed Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) will see over £2 billion of public assets transferred into private ownership within just the first phase. There has been no guarantee around residents being able to return on secure tenancies at council rents.
“The current leadership of Haringey Council are ignoring their respective CLP's, who have both passed motions against the formation of the HDV.
“GMB members living and working in Haringey are rightly outraged by the HDV. GMB urges you to join in supporting us in urging the Haringey leadership to pause and reconsider their actions.
“GMB is concerned like the rest of the Labour movement about the lack of coherent policy to build council housing. No development vehicle yet has been successful. The HDV will not build one council house and will hand over the whole current stock to private enterprise.”
5) Estates under threat include Northumberland Park and Broadwater Farm
6) Copy of letter sent by GMB to Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London; Catherine West, MP for Hornsey and Wood Green; David Lammy, MP for Tottenham; Joanne McCartney, Deputy Mayor for London and Assembly Member for Enfield and Haringey and 8 GMB Haringey Councillors
We are writing to you to express our concern around the reckless privatisation pursued by Haringey Council's leadership. The proposed Haringey Development Vehicle will see over £2 billion of public assets transferred into private ownership within just the first phase. There has been no guarantee around residents being able to return on secure tenancies at council rents.
The current leadership of Haringey Council are ignoring their respective CLP's, who have both passed motions against the formation of the HDV. They also appear to be ignoring the scrutiny report produced by Haringey Council and appear to have pre-empted the 14th of February cabinet meeting, where they were due to both discuss the report and announce the preferred bidder, as they have already announced that their preferred bidder is Lend Lease.
GMB were at the forefront of campaigning against blacklisting, which destroyed thousands of construction workers lives and livelihoods. However, the Labour leadership of Haringey appear to find it appropriate to choose a blacklister as their preferred partner in the HDV. GMB believes this to be a betrayal of Labour values.
Outside of the details of the disastrous HDV, which is both practically and ideologically flawed, the GMB has concerns on the political impact for the Labour Party in Haringey and London. This subject is splitting the leadership of Haringey from the members of the local parties and other Labour councillors and it is creating an opening for a resurgent Liberal Democrat Party in the west of the borough. The leader of Haringey has already produced a letter from the Mayor that she believes endorses the HDV. The letter on careful reading does not endorse the HDV in its current form and the HDV does not meet the Mayor's principles for estate regeneration.
GMB members living and working in Haringey are rightly outraged by the HDV. GMB urges you to join in supporting us in urging the Haringey leadership to pause and reconsider their actions. GMB request you write to the leader of Haringey and invites you attend the rally on the 14th of February outside Haringey Civic Centre at 6.00pm, with GMB members, other trade unions and the local community.
GMB is concerned like the rest of the Labour movement about the lack of coherent policy to build council housing. No development vehicle yet has been successful. The HDV will not build one council house and will hand over the whole current stock to private enterprise.
Yours fraternally
Warren Kenny, London Regional Secretary
Vaughan West, GMB Organiser