GMB London to join NHS March on Saturday 4 March in Tavistock Square

GMB London to join NHS march on Saturday 4th March 2017 in Tavistock Square.
We will be marching with other trade unions, campaigners and ordinary people in a fight to save the NHS from destruction says GMB London.
GMB London will join the National Demonstration to defend the NHS against cuts, closures and privatisation on Saturday 4th March. The march is in support of a fully funded, publicly owned NHS & social care service.
The demonstration will assemble at Tavistock Square, London WC1 at 12 noon and march through London to Parliament.
GMB London region are meeting at the Euston Office at 11am prior to assembling at Tavistock Square.
Warren Kenny, GMB London regional secretary said:
“GMB London will be marching with other trade unions, campaigners and ordinary people in a fight to save the NHS from destruction. We have to keep fighting as hospitals, GPs, mental health, ambulance and community services are already on their knees.
“We have to send a clear message to this government that one of our county’s greatest achievements, the NHS, cannot be allowed to be undermined and destroyed.”
Contact: Tony Warr on 07710 631336