GMB demands reinstatement of Watford General Hospital porter suspended for rolling up trouser legs
GMB demands reinstatement of Watford General Hospital porter suspended for rolling up trouser legs
GMB demands reinstatement of Watford General Hospital porter suspended for rolling up trouser legs
GMB call on London Mayor to get involved and put forward a more straightforward and cost effective English test for Private Hire drivers as introduction delayed until April 2018
GMB concerned that schools awarding contracts without following procurement rules
GMB members in Tower Hamlets Primary School seek justice for threats and bullying by headteacher
GMB London branch officer wins employment tribunal case against London borough of Camden to be allowed time off for training.
The suspended worker has been treated unfairly in our view and should be reinstated immediately and a sensible resolution should be brought about says GMB London
The election is now over. However, it looks like another one is not that too far away.
GMB fury after Watford IT company 'threatens redundancy for staff voting Labour'
GMB wins recognition at EAT food Wembley plant