E.ON Joint Trade Union Pension News

Dated July 2015
Dear Member
The four recognised national trade unions within E.ON held a further meeting with E.ON management on the 21st /22nd September in Coventry.
The trade unions were again represented by their respective nominated TU reps, national and pensions officers.
At the meeting the business presented the unions with further challenges arising from the loss of customer numbers and the prospects for the UK.
The joint unions spent considerable time looking at a range of possible changes which might be acceptable and that would fit with the principles the unions had set. These being that, for any deal to be acceptable, it must be: affordable, proportionate, protect the lowest paid, improve participation, value the rights of protected persons, recognise that pensions are deferred pay and finally, that all workers deserve a decent pension on retirement.
Further talks are now being diarised for November and we will update you with any further progress.