GMB@SSE Holiday Pay Agreement

Dated September 2017
Dear ColleaguesYou may have seen a joint statement that the Company has put out, but I wanted to confirm the details and arrangements for the implementation of a common approach to holiday pay for all the UK based employees.
What’s changing?
Holiday pay will now be calculated to include overtime and standby for the first 20 days of annual leave.
Overtime and standby holiday pay payments will be paid separately as a lump sum, calculated as an average of colleagues’ total overtime and standby worked in the previous 12 months. Going forward payment will be made in April each year.
Back payments for the period below will be made in September 201, paid in respect of overtime and standby to colleagues for the two years:
1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016; and
1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.
What does this mean for me?
If you worked overtime and standby over the above two year periods then any back payments will be paid in your September pay. This will appear as a separate line on your payslip called “Hol Pay Top Up”. Going forward payments will be made in April each year.
Holiday Pay Top-Up is non-pensionable and will be subject to the deduction of income tax and national insurance contributions.
Future review of holiday pay arrangements
As holiday pay is a complex area of the law and subject to change, GMB will continue to work with the company to review this approach.
Lastly, I would like to thank all our Reps and Officers for their help in negotiating this agreement.
Yours sincerely
Justin Bowden
National Secretary
GMB Commercial Services Section