BRITVIC factory in Norwich to close putting 242 jobs at risk
BRITVIC factory in Norwich to close putting 242 jobs at risk
BRITVIC factory in Norwich to close putting 242 jobs at risk
GMB call on Heathrow owners to insist that all contractors at airport pay London Living wage of £9.75 per hour
GMB London to join march on Saturday 30 september 2017 to stop plans to close A&E services at Ealing and Charing Cross Hospitals
More union protest at North Middlesex Hospital over hospital redundancies and wage cuts on Friday 29 September
Once again the courts have agreed with our argument regarding bogus self-employment
Once again the courts have agreed with our argument regarding bogus self-employment.
Fracas at GMB protest against poverty pay at Watford General Hospital AGM
1,695 (3.6%) food establishments in Eastern region require improvement to Food Hygiene Standards
6,712 (10.1%) food establishments in London require improvement to Food Hygiene Standards