Schools and Academies Members - July Bulletin

Dear Member,
GMB hope this finds you well and looking forward to the summer holiday.
Term Time Only Contracts
The long summer break serves as a timely reminder that unlike teachers, school support staff are employed on term time only contracts (usually 39 weeks) meaning no pay for approximately 8 weeks a year. You will have recently received a survey from GMB on the issue of term time only contracts and it would be very much appreciated if you would please spare a few minutes to complete this, as your answers will strengthen GMB’s continuous efforts to deliver fair pay and proper recognition for school support staff.
GMB’s campaign for the restoration of the School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB) won an important commitment to do so from the Labour Party before the General Election. The reinstatement of the SSSNB would value and recognise the professionalism of the entire school workforce and seek to address recruitment and retention challenges. As this new Government sets to work, it is important for GMB members to be heard. The remit of the SSSNB could include establishing National Terms and Conditions for school support staff, outlining training, career progression routes, and setting fair pay rates for support staff.
Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Webinar
GMB London held a webinar for members in schools and academies who are part of the LGPS. If you were unable to attend, you can watch the webinar here
NJC Pay 2024 -2025
GMB members voted to accept the employer's pay offer and the employer has been notified of this. We are just waiting for the results of the ballots from the other recognised unions and will then be able to advise further.
Personal Injury Claims
School support staff are one of the most abused and assaulted groups of workers. Included with your membership is access to GMB’s law firm, Unionline and part of its service is assistance with Personal Injury Claims. More information can be found on this by clicking here Schools_PI_FAQ.pdf (
Visits to Schools
Everyday, GMB London’s Schools Team is meeting with members in schools across the Region to discuss matters such as pay, job re-evaluation and campaigns on issues such as violence in schools and menopause. If you would like to arrange a visit to your school, please contact us at
Workplace Representatives are very important in schools as they are the voice of support staff and work with members to be the change they want to see, so if you are interested in becoming a Rep, please get in touch.
If you have any colleagues who are not in a Union, they can join GMB online at Our strength is in our numbers and together we are stronger and together we can make a difference.
As always, if you have any questions or issues please do not hesitate to contact your Branch or this email address:
With kind regards,
Lisa Bangs
Public Services Senior Organiser
GMB London Region