Schools & Academies in England, Member Update – 7th January 2021

Dear Member
We hope this finds you safe and well.
As we embark on a third year of Covid-19, we are seeing record numbers of positive cases because of the Omicron variant. Despite these figures, there is very little being provided by the Government in England to help schools at this time of pandemic. Whilst the introduction of face coverings in classrooms for secondary school children may play some part in reducing transmission in those schools, the bigger issues and concerns remain unaddressed and the fact of the matter is that according to ONS figures last term, education workers were at greater risk of testing positive for Covid-19 than the general population because of high cases among school children.
GMB, along with other Education Unions, has called on the Government to take immediate and urgent steps to mitigate the risk of Covid transmission in schools and offer support by taking the following steps.
- Provide government-funded air cleaning units to every school and college classroom that needs them.
- Commit to providing schools with more resources if on-site Covid testing is again required.
- Provide improved financial support to schools and colleges for the costs of supply staff to cover for Covid-related absence.
- Ensure all schools or colleges due for an Ofsted inspection this term can get the inspection deferred.
Whilst campaigning for these policy changes is important, GMB London recognises that members still need practical advice to ensure their day-to-day working is as safe and fair as possible. We have therefore prepared a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document which contains advice on issues such as ventilation, additional responsibilities & cover, and self-isolation. It also contains guidance for pregnant and clinically extremely vulnerable members.
Concerns about what is happening within your school can be addressed collectively, by all GMB members, and it is often more effective dealing with matters collectively rather than individually. If you do not have a GMB workplace representative and are interested in becoming the rep for your school, please contact us at Schools could not operate without support staff and support staff deserve to have their voice and concerns heard. Together we are stronger and together we can make a difference. If you have any colleagues who are not in a Union, they can join GMB online at
As always, GMB London will keep you up to date if there are any changes to Guidance but in the meantime, if you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact your Local Branch or
Stay safe
Lisa Bangs, GMB London Region Organiser
Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Officer