Schools & Academies in England, Member Update – 26th August 2020

Dear Member,
We hope this finds you well. As promised, here is an update and information for you relating to the full reopening of schools in September.
The DfE has not changed any of the guidance previously issued which means many of the issues raised by GMB remain unaddressed. For example, DfE guidance does not address schools carrying out individual risk assessments for vulnerable school staff and fails to recognise that many staff will have compound risks that increase their vulnerability to COVID-19. GMB believes the DfE guidance for schools on carrying out risk assessments is inadequate and GMBs’ overall position is clear that the DfE guidance is not good enough. GMB wants to see schools fully reopened and all children receiving the education they deserve but it is Governments’ responsibility to deliver this in a safe and responsible way. GMB want to see the following
- safe systems of work in place
- improvements to test and trace
- more time given to schools to enable them to implement full risk assessments
- more cleaners working throughout the day
- teaching assistants not being used as substitute teachers
- high risk staff being protected
- extra funding for schools so they can afford to implement the above
GMB has put together a COVID Risk Indicator Tool to help BAME members assess the individual risk they may face, which can be found at this link. You will be presented with a series of questions and the total score of the answers indicates your level of risk. Once you have used the tool to identify your level of risk, you can then use the template letter provided, to send to your Head Teacher, asking for a specific risk assessment for you and your role.
If you are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, or live with someone who is, or you are Clinically Vulnerable, you will find updated information in the Questions and Answers document. If you have not yet done so, we would advise you request to continue working from home, as per the LGA Guidance, and send a letter requesting an individual risk assessment prior to any return to the workplace. There is a template you can use for this here.
Many of you have contacted us regarding the wearing of face coverings in schools and you can find the response GMB received from DfE in relation to the wearing of face coverings in schools here. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has stated that employers should support employees who wish to wear face coverings, but it is important that face coverings are used in addition to other protective measures. The wearing of face coverings should not lead to the relaxation of social distancing and regular hand washing etc. as these practices should be adhered to at all times. Face covering are not classed as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and if a risk assessment identifies that PPE is required, then the correct British Standard face masks for the task should be provided. The employer must source and provide these and put in place training on its correct use. Should you wish to wear a face covering and your employer is refusing to allow you to, you can draw their attention to the HSE advice. If your employer still refuses, contact GMB for advice and support.
The Coronavirus pandemic has already changed so much about our day-to-day lives and it will continue to do so. When you return to work you need to make sure you know how your role has changed, or is different and with this in mind we have prepared a question and answer document which contains important information and a checklist for your return to school in September. Risk assessments are key to ensuring you are protected at work and must be completed by your employer and you will find useful information about these in the linkes above. The DfE guidance is clear that schools should have commenced engagement with staff before the summer break to ensure Term Time Only staff could contribute to the risk assessment process. By completing risk assessments, your employer is demonstrating that all necessary actions have been taken to ensure that everything reasonably practicable has been done to minimise risk. If you have not seen a risk assessment and it has not been discussed with you prior to your school opening in September, you should speak to your Head Teacher and request that a risk assessment is done before you return to work. Contact your GMB branch immediately if you are required to work without a risk assessment being carried out.
The 2.75% pay offer has now been accepted by the NJC Trade Union Side and the pay award will be backdated to 1 April 2020. Nationally 76% of GMB Local Government and Schools members voted to accept the 2.75% pay offer and within London region, 85% of members voted to accept.
GMB London is always here to support and advise you and if you have any questions or worries, please contact your local branch, workplace rep or regional organiser. Alternatively, you can email us at
Please feel free to share this update with your colleagues and if they are not already in a union they can join GMB online. There has never been a more important time for school support staff to come together and organise to show their collective strength, to make their workplace as safe as it possibly can be. Being a member of GMB means you should feel confident in addressing any issues you may be facing, knowing you are supported by your Union.
If you do not currently have a GMB representative in your school and would be interested in becoming the rep, please contact us at the email address above and we will be happy to discuss the role with you. Together we are stronger and together we can make a difference.
Stay safe.
With best wishes
Lisa Bangs, GMB London Region Organiser — Schools and AcademiesKeith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Organiser
Follow us on Twitter @schoolsgmblon