Schools & Academies in England, Member Update – 14th May 2021

Dear Member
We hope this finds you safe and well.
At long last the Covid-19 rates have plummeted, with the Office for National Statistics stating just 1 in 1000 people now has Covid-19. As the country reopens and as we head towards June 21st, we thought we would remind you of some of the great benefits of your GMB membership. You can access GMB extra at to see all that is available for you and your family to enjoy. There are huge discounts available to GMB members including:
- 40% off Cinemas Nationwide
- Up to 50% off at Thorpe Park and Chessington World of Adventures
- Up to 48% Legoland
- Up to 43% at Sea Life
- Up to 10% on Haven Holidays
- 20% off National Express
- 10% off at Go Ape
GMB London is once again seeking to organise meetings with members in schools. We are writing to Head Teachers to request visits but if you would like to request a visit to your school please contact us at
PAY CLAIM 2021/22
With the focus for the past year quite rightly being on the Coronavirus Pandemic, health and safety issues have been at the forefront. GMB is here though to help and support members with a wide range of issues including redundancy & restructures, grievances, holiday pay, additional hours and sickness. GMB, as a recognised Union for Support Staff, is also involved in pay negotiations. The NJC Local Government and Schools Pay Claim for 2021/22 has now been submitted and GMB is expecting the Employer to make a Pay Offer in the next few weeks. GMB will be in touch as soon as this is received and when negotiations are completed the Final Offer will be put to members by way of a consultative ballot.
It has been reported that the Government may be planning to stop requiring children to wear face coverings in secondary school classrooms from 17th May in England. Given the Government has not currently shared plans to lift face covering requirements in relation to shops or transport, where people generally spend less time in close contact with large groups, this is a matter of concern. GMB has therefore co-signed an open letter to Gavin Williamson, along with Scientists & Public Health Professionals and other Trade Unions and this can be seen here. Open letter to Secretary of State for Education (UK) May 4, 2021 - COVID Action Group
GMBs’ strength is in its’ numbers and the more members in a workplace, the stronger the voice of support staff. If you have any colleagues who are not currently in a Union, they can join GMB online at and they too can make use of the benefits available to GMB members.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us- GMB is here for you.
With kind regards,
Lisa Bangs and
Keith Williams