Dear Colleagues
As you may remember, Trade Unions representing NHS workers wrote to the Prime Minster asking for an end to the pay cap.
The GMB’s Pay pinch campaign www.paypinch.org.uk has shown the amount of money NHS workers have lost under
Government policy already, and the amount they lose if it continues to 2020, as the Government want.
The recentElection has been a game changer – the Government lost
their majority in Parliament and a most voters supported parties opposed to Government pay policy. GMB will push to end the pay cap and to restore the money lost during ten years of pay freeze and pay cap.
75% of voters wanted the pay cap lifted. The public understand that this is leading to a loss of key NHS professionals at all levels, a deterioration of essential NHS services, and reductions in the level of care, to the extent that the safety of overworked, stressed NHS workers, and thousands of patients is in jeopardy.
We have decided to build on that and to ask GMB members to endorse a ground breaking pay claim
Why is this ground breaking?
Pay in the NHS is set by a Pay Review Board, which is constrained (or controlled) by Government dictate on affordability. Unions spend months preparing comprehensive, well argued research on pay in the NHS which is submitted to the Board, which then considers the evidence and issues an outcome. No More! We want you to have your say!
GMB and other unions are not happy with this approach and are seeking the endorsement of members for a proper pay claim.
The claim is simple:
An increase equivalent to inflation (1)
An additional £800 per year flat rate increase for all (2)
Full funding of the above by the Government and for a refresh of Agenda for Change terms and conditions
(1) using the retail prices index (RPI) which is a true measure of inflation.
(2) to recoup some of the money lost under pay restraint.
We want you to consider three questions:
Do you know you have lost thousands of pounds under pay restraint?
Do you think you should be paid more?
Do you endorse the NHS Unions claim as above?
Kevin Brandstatter. Lead Organiser NHS
GMB National Office