NHS Pay Offer

Dated March 2018
The Facts:
GMB have led the campaign to end the 1% pay cap imposed by Central Government. The GMB Pay Pinch Campaign exposed that Pay Review Bodies had been under orders from the Government to keep pay recommendations for NHS Staff at 1%. The 3 year pay offer for NHS Staff does not meet the aspirations, nor address the earnings that hardworking and dedicated NHS Staff have lost over the last 8 years.
The pay offer of 6.5% is barely a pay rise at all. If inflation increases as forecasted, the real term pay rise would be just a 1% by 2020/21.
For a Band 5 Nurse, this would be a pay rise of less than £2 a week. Or to put it another way, the same Nurse would be £3000 a year worse off, in real terms than the same role a decade earlier.
Half of NHS Employees are already at the top of the pay scale; the offer of 6.5% is a pay cut.
The offer of 3% increase in pay for 2018/19 is below the rate of inflation, and in real terms is a further cut in GMB Members and their family’s living standards.
The offer of a 1.1% non consolidated cash payment in 2019/20, for most staff in Bands 1-3 will amount to £250 after tax and NI deductions.
As a democratic Trade Union, GMB will be conducting consultation ballots and workplace meetings with GMB members so that they can have their say on the 3 year pay offer.
For 8 years, NHS workers have faced the biggest pay cut to their living standards. NHS Staff deserve more. This is why GMB are recommending members to vote to reject the pay offer in the consultation ballots that GMB will be conducting.
To see how the NHS 3 Year Pay Offer affects you personally, you can access a copy of the NHS Staff Council Framework Agreement by going to the following link.
If you and colleagues within your TRUST would like GMB to visit your workplace to discuss further the Pay Offer in detail, please contact Dave Powell at dave.powell@gmb.org.uk or call 01245 345165.