National Joint Council (NJC) Pay Claim 2018/19

Dear GMB Member
Thank you for taking part in the GMB NJC Pay consultation.
Following the GMB NJC Pay Consultation the GMB NJC Reps met on Tuesday 13/06/17. A detailed discussion took place with extensive report back on the regional pay consultations. The general consensus was to keep the NJC pay claim succinct for 2018/19.
Please note at the Conference the following GMB NJC Local Government Pay Claim was agreed. Headlines of the claim are as follows:
1. 5% Increase on all NJC Pay Points
2. The deletion of NJC pay points SCP 6-9 to reach the Resolution Foundation Living Wage of £8.45 (UK) and £9.75 (London)
All NJC Unions have agreed this pay claim and the NJC Pay claim has been presented to the Local Government Employers on Wednesday 14th June, 2017.
Join the GMB Pay Pinch Campaign
Earlier this year the GMB launched a new national campaign calling for an end to pay restraint and to break the public sector pay cap.
When prices are rising twice as fast as wages, it’s time to call the Government’s 1% cap what it is – a severe cut to people’s quality of living.
Too many of our members in schools and local government have been struggling to make ends meet as they have seen real term pay cuts for over a decade.
The GMB’s new pay campaign says that enough is enough. Public sector workers deserve better.
That’s why we are calling on the Government to take the following steps:
- No ifs, no buts - an end to public sector pay restraint and cuts,
- Proper funding settlements so public services can remain high-quality and free at the point of use.
Full details of the campaign can be found at
Unions call for a long overdue pay rise for hard-pressed council employees
Three unions representing more than 1.6 million local government employees in schools and councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have today (Wednesday 14/06/17) submitted a pay claim that attempts to narrow the growing gap between declining wages and the rising cost of living.
The claim for the year from next April seeks to move the lowest paid staff onto the real living wage of £8.45 an hour (£9.75 in London).
In addition the unions want all employees to receive a five per cent pay rise.
The claim follows eight years of government-imposed pay restraint, which has seen wages either frozen or held to a one per cent increase.
GMB, Unison and Unite say that school and council employees’ living standards have plummeted as their wages have fallen way behind inflation.
Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary for Public Services, said:
“Local government workers are suffering the worst squeeze on their pay in living memory, contributing to a public sector recruitment and retention crisis that is undermining the quality of services for everyone.
“Enough is enough. Our vital and under-appreciated staff must get a pay rise of at least five per cent to compensate for almost a decade of real-terms wage cuts. That is what they need and deserve.
“Last week’s election result was a clear vote for a new approach and against the running down of public services. It’s time for local government employers and Theresa May to listen.”
For Full Press Release: