Craftworkers' pay offer 2018-20

Jim Kennedy, Trade Union Side Secretary, JNC for Craft & Associated Employees Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road London WC1X 8TN
10 April 2018
Dear Jim,
I am writing on behalf of the Employers’ Side of the JNC to respond formally to the Trade Union Side’s pay claim.
The National Employers wish to make the following final offer in respect of those employees whose pay is determined by contractual reference to the Craft JNC National Agreement (‘Red Book’):
For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2016-18 pay agreement circular (dated 17 May 2016), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:
From 1 April 2018: 2.0% on basic salary and allowances
From 1 April 2019: 2.0% on basic salary and allowances
The National Employers believe that an offer constructed in this way is the best method of ensuring that those Craft employees on local pay rates which are nevertheless contractually linked to Craft JNC settlements, would receive a pay award.
The National Employers note from recent surveys that the number of Craftworkers employed directly by councils on ‘Red Book’ terms and conditions continues to decrease significantly. We estimate that there are now fewer than 5,000 such employees in England and Wales.
Therefore, for those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2016-18 pay agreement, the Employers’ final offer is as follows.
From 1 April 2018:
- £1,380 (equivalent to 9.05%) on Building Labourer grade
- £1,250 (equivalent to 8.01%) on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade
- £1,200 (equivalent to 7.59%) on Building Operative grade
- £900 (equivalent to 5.46%) on Plumber grade
- £900 (equivalent to 5.27%) on Engineer & Electrician grade
- 2.0% on all allowances
These cash increases would continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 8, 10, 11, 13 and 15 respectively on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.
You will be aware that the NJC pay award includes an agreement to introduce a new pay spine with effect from 1 April 2019. Therefore the cash increases below would align the five Craft Grades to the new pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 on the revised NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.
From 1 April 2019:
- £1,085 (equivalent to 6.53%) on Building Labourer grade (new SCP 2)
- £1,202 (equivalent to 7.13%) on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (new SCP 3)
- £1,058 (equivalent to 6.22%) on Building Operative grade (new SCP 3)
- £1,035 (equivalent to 5.95%) on Plumber grade (new SCP 4)
- £823 (equivalent to 4.58%) on Engineer & Electrician grade (new SCP 5)
- 2.0% on all allowances
Other elements of your claim
Tool Allowance to double from current rates and Tool Insurance to be paid to a minimum of £2,000 with all inventory replaced
The Employers’ offer is set out above; namely that both these items are increased by 2.0% on 1 April 2018 and again on 1 April 2019.
The use of PDAs be subject to a minimum national allowance
The Employers consider the use of hand held technology to be an increasingly common practice in the modern workplace that does not merit additional recompense. Therefore the Employers reject this element of the claim in relation to payment for the use of PDAs.
35-hour working week
The Employers reject this element of the claim in relation to a proposed 35-hour week. Such a reduction would be out of line with norms in local government and would result in an increase in costs that would adversely affect local authority services.
An additional annual leave day
The Employers reject this element of the claim in relation to increased holiday entitlement. All Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 23 days’ leave (incl two extra statutory days) with a further five days after five years’ service (ie. 28 days). This is already more than the minimum entitlement for NJC ‘Green Book’ employees which is 23 days (incl two extra statutory days) with a further four days after five years’ service (ie. 27 days). Many local authorities have superior local provision.
Continued recognition of the JNC (Red Book) agreement and commitments to maintain it for all craft and trade grades
As stated above, the Employers note from recent surveys that the number of Craftworkers employed directly by councils on ‘Red Book’ terms and conditions continues to decrease. While the Employers believe that craft roles can be properly remunerated through other pay and grading structures, they are currently content to carry on with the national bargaining arrangements whilst councils continue to directly employ Craftworkers on JNC conditions.
We hope that you will now put this offer to your members for consultation.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Pannell, Employers’ Secretary
cc Rehana Azam, GMB