NJC Local Government & Schools Indicative Industrial Action Ballot Result

Wednesday 19th January 2022
Dear Member,
NJC Local Government & Schools Indicative Industrial Action Ballot Result
We hope this finds you well.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members who took the time to take part in the ballot. Whilst 59% of GMB members nationally voted to support GMB conducting a formal Industrial Action Ballot in accordance with Legislation the turnout of members that produced this figure was unfortunately too low to meet the required legal thresholds to do so.
However, this does not dilute or undermine the original consultation ballot result. The overwhelming rejection of the 1.75% pay offer still stands and it is hoped that this will encourage the National Employers to reopen negotiations.
Having met and listened to members throughout the ballot, GMB knows how unappreciated and devalued many of you are feeling. The beginning of 2022 has seen a looming cost of living crisis, and this is only expected to get worse. GMB would like to assure you that we will continue to campaign for pay justice for our Local Government and School Members in the 2022/23 pay claim.
It is disappointing that agreement has not been reached with the National Employers in relation to 2021/22 pay offer and GMB is aware of the impact it can have for members to have still not received their April 2021 pay rise.
GMB sister Unions who are recognised under the National Joint Council (NJC) have also conducted ballots with their members, and we are currently waiting for the outcome of these. Once those ballot results are shared, we will be informing the National Employer of the result of our ballot.
Further updates will be posted on the Regions website in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Bangs, GMB London Region Lead Organiser Schools & Academies
Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Organiser Public Services