NJC indicative industrial action ballot

NJC indicative industrial action ballot
Q. I’ve already voted on the pay offer for 2021/22, why am I being asked to vote again?
75% of GMB Local Government and Schools members voted to reject the National Employers pay offer of 1.75% for 2021/22. As members in all recognised NJC Unions rejected the offer, GMB, along with these other Unions has formally written to the National Employers to lodge an official pay dispute for the 2021/22 pay round.
Q. Why is GMB holding now holding this ballot?
As GMB members voted to reject the National Employers pay offer, as a democratic organisation GMB is now asking members what they want to happen next. GMB is still urging the National Employers to reopen negotiations, but this ballot is GMB members opportunity to bring pressure to bear on the National Employer for them to do so and improve the offer.
Q. What is an indicative industrial action ballot?
An indicative industrial action ballot means that a yes vote is only an indication of support, rather than an agreement to go ahead with strike action.
Q. Why was the offer of 1.75% rejected?
A 1.75% increase is a real-terms pay cut. Fuel bills, food costs and inflation are all high and the pay offer for 2021/22 was the National Employers opportunity to say thank you and recognise the value and contribution of Local Government and Schools workers. Instead, the offer was 1% less than the previous year and did not acknowledge the effort and dedication of these workers in the Pandemic.
Q. When will the outcome of this ballot be known?
GMB members will be voting throughout November and results will be shared mid-December. If there are any developments before then though, GMB will let you know.
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