NHS Mileage Rates Update

NHS Mileage Rates Update
23rd March 2022
At the request of Unions at last week’s NHS Staff Council Meeting an urgent summit has now taken place to consider options for a speedy solution to the impact of rising fuel rates on our members that use their cars for work – particularly those that deliver care in the community.
It was clearly stated by Government representatives that there wasn’t any additional funding available at this time to address this issue. Therefore, any additional costs would have to be absorbed within existing budgets. It was also stated that there was no additional funding to be made available in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland also.
Employers do recognise the issue facing our members as fuel prices have been increasing and are open to considering the options for an urgent remedy until a longer-term review of rates can be undertaken.
Employers are currently collating the data from all trusts as to what arrangements they currently have in place and how many staff are impacted so that the full picture can be understood and calculations of costings made. This data is expected to be available on the 1st April 2022.
Whilst we wait for the data, unions and employers are collating a list of preferred options for a remedy. If you are impacted by this issue and want to feed in potential solutions that would ease the current financial burden you are facing, please email your comments to NHS@gmb.org.uk
Whilst we are working at pace to try and reach agreement on an immediate solution, this is still not quick enough for GMB members that are struggling to put fuel in their cars for work now. Some potential options that could be raised with your employer locally could be:
- Providing fuel cards for the low paid
- Employers to plan work differently to reduce miles expected to travel
- Providing hire cars for the low paid
- Pool cars for teams
- Paying expenses weekly instead of monthly
If you are experiencing problems due to this issue, please speak with your GMB Representative who will be able to support your discussions with your employer.
A further meeting is scheduled for week commencing 4th April 2022 and a further update will be issued then.
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