Schools and Academies Member Bulletin

GMB is a recognised trade union for school support staff, meaning that GMB can negotiate and bargain on behalf of its members on issues such as pay, pensions and terms and conditions.
NEU is a recognised trade union for teachers, meaning that NEU can negotiate and bargain on behalf of teachers but not support staff.
Recently, the TUC ordered NEU to pay GMB, and the other recognised support staff unions, a 6 figure sum in financial compensation because NEU had been actively recruiting support staff into its membership when it is not a recognised support staff union.
GMB only represents the interests of support staff in schools and is therefore not conflicted by representing the differing interests and priorities of different staffing groups.
GMB can assist members with all workplace issues such as disciplinaries, grievances, restructures and redundancies. In addition, as a campaigning union GMB is fighting to end the tolerance of abuse and violence against support staff and ensure that all support staff are properly recognised, valued and rewarded.
If you would like to find out more about how you become a Rep in your school please contact
Kind regards
Lisa Bangs
Senior Organiser