Members in GMB London Region vote to reject the NJC Pay Offer for Local Government and Schools
GMB members in Local Government, Councils and Schools across the country have been having their say on pay and the results are in. 75% of GMB members balloted voted to reject the 1.75% pay offer.
School staff, refuse collectors and council workers continue to provide front line services and looked after vulnerable children and the children of key workers throughout the pandemic and a 1.75% pay offer does not reflect their value or recognise their effort.
Inflation is running above 4% and workers have faced 23% real-terms pay cut over the last decade. This 1.75% pay offer is a pay cut in real terms.
GMB will urge Local Government employers to reconsider their woeful offer and enter into talks with GMB and the other recognised NJC Unions. If the employer is unwilling to negotiate and improve their offer, then GMB members will have to consider whether they are prepared to take industrial action.