Local Government and Schools Pay Offer 2020/2021

Local Government and Schools Pay Offer 2020/2021
GMB London will be starting an online pay consultation ballot from 22nd June for all members, employed in Local Government/Schools and Academies whose terms and conditions are governed by the National Joint Council (NJC)
This is an important consultation ballot for all our members within Local Government and Schools and it is key that all members take part and have their vote on whether they wish to accept or reject the offer
To ensure all members within Local Government/Schools/Academies, whose terms and conditions are governed by the NJC, can take part in the online consultation ballot, GMB London is asking you to ensure your email address and membership contact details are up to date.
If you have not updated your membership contact details, please email london.membership@gmb.org.uk with your personal email address and GMB membership number by midnight on the 18th June to ensure that you can vote to accept or reject the offer