Local Government & Schools NJC Pay Claim 2022/23

7th June 2022
Local Government & Schools NJC Pay Claim 2022/23
The joint union NJC Pay Claim for 2022 has now been submitted to employers.
The results of GMB Londons’ recent survey of members' pay needs made an important contribution to this year's pay claim. Members clearly told us that any pay increase should be no less than the rate of inflation and that they wanted to be recognised for the extraordinary work they did throughout the pandemic, by way of a bonus payment. Both elements are now part of this year's pay claim and GMB will be campaigning for these in the coming months. In addition to this, GMB adopted a position nationally with the other Unions, that Term Time Only contracts should be reviewed, or consideration given to retainer payments for school support staff. This is because it is difficult for many members to make approximately 44 weeks wages stretch over 52. The cost of living crisis was a big consideration in the pay claim and consequently, the claim calls for a review of mileage rates and the possible introduction of a homeworking allowance, in light of rising fuel and energy costs.
GMB's National Committees agreed that GMB’s claim would be for; an increase of no less than RPI; a Covid recognition payment, review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates.
GMB presented this claim to Unison and Unite in discussions to agree this year's joint union pay claim and the final pay claim, as agreed by all three unions, has now been submitted. The claim is for
- A headline claim of an increase of £2,000 on each pay point, or of the current RPI rate, whichever is the greater
- A Covid-19 recognition payment
- Review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers
- Reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London)
- One additional day of annual leave across the board
- Introduction of a home working allowance for all staff who are working from home
- A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils
- A separate urgent review of all mileage rates currently applying
Employers will now consider the pay claim ahead of pay negotiations starting.
To find out more on how you can become involved with any part of GMB Londons pay campaign please email schoolsteamlondon@gmb.org.uk