
Local Government and Schools Final Pay Offer 2020/2021

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Make sure you have your say on your pay

Following the national union's rejection of the initial offer of 1.5%, GMB asked the national employer to join with the Unions to make a joint approach to the Government for more funding for Local Government Pay. The national employers refused to do this, and instead have made the following full and final offer in response to the Joint Unions Pay claim:

  • With effect from 1st April 2021, an increase of 1.75% on all NJC pay points 2 and above
  • With effect from 1st April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on NJC pay point 1.
  • Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term -Time Only review group.

The employers have also agreed to joint discussions on the following:

  • A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all Councils.
  • An agreement on a best practice national programme of mental health support for all local authorities and school staff.
  • A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity/paternity/shared parental/adoption leave.

Next Steps

GMB have arranged a national meeting on 10th August with Senior GMB Representatives of the Local Government and Schools committee to discuss  the employers response and agree a timeline for GMB to open a consultation ballot with all GMB members within Local Government, Schools and Academies whose terms & conditions of employment are governed by the NJC.

This is an important consultation ballot for all our members within Local Government and Schools and it is key that all members take part and have their vote on whether they wish to accept or reject the offer  

To ensure all members within Local Government/Schools/Academies, can take part in the consultation ballot, GMB London is asking you to ensure your email address, workplace details and membership contact details are up to date.

If you need to update your membership contact details, please email  to ensure that you can vote on the offer made.