Local Government & School members NJC 2023/24 Pay Offer

The 2023/24 Local Government & Schools Pay offer has been made without additional funding from Central Government being secured and is for one year only.
The pay offer consists of a headline flat rate increase of £1,925 on full-time pay which equates to £1 an hour, the figure is reduced (pro-rata) for part-time and term-time only workers but is still a £1 an hour increase.
You will shortly be receiving your ballot paper, either via email or in the post.
This is your opportunity to have your say on your pay and to let GMB, your employer and the Government know whether you accept or reject this pay offer.
To ensure that you have the opportunity to vote you can update your details by emailing gmblondon@membership.org.uk
This is an important ballot – WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IS UP TO YOU.
Please make sure you vote before the ballot closes at Midday on Friday 28th April.