CEC Elections 2019 and General Secretary & Treasurer Elections 2019

Elections To The Central Executive Council and General Secretary & Treasurer Election 2019
Elections To The Central Executive Council 2019 and General Secretary & Treasurer Election 2019
This ballot is by postal vote. A ballot paper will be sent to members' home addresses.
If you have not received your ballot paper by Thursday 24 October 2019 then please contact our Regional Office on 01582 404842 or email tony.warr@gmb.org.uk.
Complete ballot papers must reach the Independent Scrutineer, Electoral Reform Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW no later than first post on Thursday 14 November 2019.
A post paid envelope will be proved with your ballot paper.
GMB London Region Returning Officer — Tony Warr
(There is a downloadable resource on this webpage to print and place on workplace noticeboards)