GMB member is proud of GMB’s action to help win substantial PI award

Quick action and photographic evidence taken by a GMB Branch Health and Safety Officer helps GMB’s law firm win a substantial award for a GMB member injured at Heathrow airport.
The Injury happened two years ago on the driverless transit train used to ferry air passengers and workers to the terminals at Heathrow airport. Whilst on the train it suddenly braked for no apparent reason sending the GMB member across the train’s floor.
The force of being thrown caused a broken hip, which upon medical examination required immediate surgery for a hip replacement which was carried out the same day of the accident. Ongoing pain and discomfort and the assistance of a walking stick has meant a full recovery has not yet been achieved.
GMB represents many members working at Heathrow Airport where the local A37 Branch supports, advises and represents GMB members. After our member returned to work following the accident, Steve Voller, GMB Branch Health and Safety Officer at Heathrow helped the member make a personal injury claim against the train operators Heathrow Airport Limited.
The GMB member and claimant said:
“I am proud of my union and I thank the branch reps and staff”.
Steve Voller, GMB Branch A37 Health & Safety Officer said:
“I saw the pain and discomfort our member was in and realised that her account of what happened on the train could be a claim for personal injury. I immediately took photographs of the injuries sustained on the train. I also contacted UnionLine and the necessary paperwork was completed.
“This case was built around the cause of the injury being the application of abrupt and unnecessary braking or the driverless train. There were at the time of this accident no notices about holding onto handles for safety, but this has since been rectified and will hopefully mean that accidents like this will not happen again.
“It was a good outcome for our branch member and I am pleased to have helped with the claim because the accident happened at work so we needed to do everything we could. UnionLine is a very useful benefit for our members, especially because the claimant receives 100% per cent of the award, it’s another good reason to join GMB.”