GMB London welcomes Academy Trust’s undertaking of GMB’s Domestic Abuse Charter

GMB, the union for workers in schools and academies is proud to announce that TDET has signed up the Work to Stop Domestic Abuse GMB Employer Charter which seeks to support employees who are experiencing domestic abuse to ensure that they are not disadvantaged at work.
Julie Taylor, Chief Executive of TDET said:
“Our Trust is committed to ensuring that our staff and pupils are given the support and resources they need to stay safe in our academies and their homes. This charter will ensure that we provide any staff experiencing domestic abuse with well-informed, helpful support. I am really proud of the Trust for committing to this and demonstrating our values and support for one another.”
Gordon White, GMB London Region Organiser said:
GMB, the Trade Union for support staff created the Domestic Abuse charter, to help and give a voice to those who experience domestic abuse, for whom, the workplace is a place of refuge and safe haven.
“Domestic abuse has a devastating impact on individuals and their families and people experiencing such abuse can often, through no fault of their own, become subject of disciplinary action or job loss. The commitment from TDET in signing the GMB Charter and adopting the Policy will build and encourage a supportive and safe working environment for all staff within TDET.
"By signing the charter, TDET has pledged to ensure its academies are a source of support and a safe place for staff to be. TDET will train managers on how to support staff experiencing domestic abuse, provide a ‘domestic abuse in the workplace’ toolkit to all staff, offer flexible working environments for staff, and understand how to deal with any emergencies that may arise in relation to crisis funds or transport."
GMB London urges all employers to sign up to the GMB charter and commit to our Domestic Abuse policy, especially now, at a time when the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have led to a sharp increase in reports of domestic abuse. Additionally, with Christmas looming comes the historical expectation of rises in domestic abuse, financial pressure like never before, booze flowing and families together in close quarters seem to give rise to an excuse for perpetrators to lash out.
Domestic abuse is a workplace issue and GMB London will do all it can to protect our members.
Contact: Gordon White, GMB London Region Organiser, 075 8305 0973
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