Local Government and Schools NJC Pay Offer Update

Dear Member
GMB London has been advised that the National Employer for Local Government has made an initial offer of 1.5%
Obviously, this is significantly less than the pay claim submitted by the Joint Trade Unions and therefore GMB along with the Joint Trade Unions following meetings with their respective national shop stewards committees will be seeking further meetings and negotiations with the National Employer to try to increase this initial offer.
Once a final offer is received GMB will be consulting all members in Local Government, Schools and Academies whose terms and conditions are governed by the NJC and asking members to take part in a consultative ballot.
Look out for further information and details of meetings which will be arranged in the coming weeks
To ensure that you have your say on your pay in the forthcoming consultation ballot it is important that membership and contact details are up to date.
Click here to update your details.
Yours faithfully,
Lisa Bangs, GMB London Region Organiser
Keith Williams
GMB London Region Senior Organiser