Mick Ainsley speaks at Labour Feltham and Heston

Mick Ainsley, Regional Organiser has been campaigning against the excesses, unfairness and the impact on workers of water privatisation for many years having done countless news interviews and press statements in the 18 years, he’s been the regions lead water organiser.
Since our water was given away in 1989 with no compensation to the tax payer, workers and consumers have been ripped off with £billions being siphoned off to shareholders, racking up £billions of debt, while senior executives share in a proverbial trough over filling with £millions that should be ploughed back into the infrastructure that in some places is creaking at its seems.
It’s been well documented that many of these companies have had a host of parent companies registered in the Cayman Islands and other places that has seen them pay little or no corporation tax while slashing workers’ pensions and outsourcing their jobs.
We’re pleased to say that at long last there is real traction in the GMB campaign, with the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn attending GMB congress in June and signing up to the GMB take back the tap campaign.
For several months we have also been having meetings with Labour at Westminster attended by the Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, TUC the campaign group We_Ownit and other unions in the sector.
On 6th July Mick took part in a splash mob on the south bank of the river Thames organised by We_Ownit to highlight the terrible deal that consumers and workers have been getting from the privatisation of England’s water sector since its privatisation in 1989.
More recently Mick was invited by Seema Malhotra Labour MP to speak to members at the Felton and Heston CLP meeting about our Take back the tap campaign and who are keen to plug in our take back the tap campaign into Labours Summer campaigning this year.