SSE pay offer and ballot

Dear Colleagues
GMB and the other Unions met with SSE on the 26th and 27th January 2018 to again discuss Pay.
You will recall that at previous meetings your pay claim was presented in detail, with strong emphasis on the points you told GMB mattered most to you including:
- one year settlement;
- a substantial above RPI inflation pay rise on basic salary across the board and applied to all overtime rates and flow-throughs;
- end to PRP, the company’s divisive and demotivating Performance Related Pay scheme;
- redundancy terms, no offshoring/outsourcing and no compulsory redundancies.
At the conclusion of the most recent negotiations, the Company made a final offer as follows:
Performance Pay
A key feature of the offer is an agreement to end performance related pay and implement an alternative. A joint JNCC working party, supported by JBCs, will look at a new skills / competency system of progression. The existing performance pay system will no longer apply for Joint Agreement staff from April 2018. Creating and implementing a new pay system is not an easy task. It takes times to get such an important matter right.
Pay Offer
- Duration: 1 Year (1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019).
- Pay Award: there will be a salary increase of 3% applied to all joint agreement employees.
- Employees in pay zone A or B, will get an additional 0.6% increase, i.e. 3.6%. , to promote progression and retention.
- Salary ranges: with effect from April 2018, a 3% increase will be applied to the minimum and maximum of the salary ranges
- Flow through allowances: a 3% increase will apply to all pay elements that usually move in line with the pay award
GMB will be consulting all members covered by the Joint Agreement shortly. GMB’s ballot will open on Monday, 5th February and close at Noon on Tuesday, 20th March 2018. Your Shop Stewards on the pay negotiations are recommending that GMB members accept this.
You will have to be a member of GMB to vote in GMB’s ballot and have your say on your pay. Non-members of a Union members will not get a vote. If you are not yet in GMB, you can join using the form overleaf or online at
Best wishes.
Yours fraternally
Justin Bowden
National Secretary, GMB Commercial Services Section