NGSF Pay Negotiations 2018 - update

Dear Colleague
NGSF Pay Negotiations 2018
The Trade Unions representing members on the NGSF are continuing to meet with the Company and we have had several days of negotiations to seek to make progress on our pay claim.
While we are pressing strongly for a response to our claim, National Grid has introduced a number of items for discussion including those recently referred to in internal communications (‘UK Staff Reward 2018 Update 271117’).
We are of course examining company proposals and continue to challenge on the Company market alignment agenda on salaries and its potential impact. We do not accept the company narrative that National Grid staff are overpaid when set against the backdrop of massive profits and bumper executive pay.
At this stage we remain a long way apart in terms of negotiating an acceptable offer to our claim”
While the current pay deal is effective for some time yet, the extent of the difference between the negotiating teams is of concern to your Trade Unions.
Please remember that this is the Trade Unions claim, and that members will make the final decision once negotiations have concluded. Please encourage any colleagues covered by the NGSF who are not members to join a union to have that say and receive the other benefits of union membership.
Steve Thomas Matt Jones Matthew Lay Justin Bowden
Joint TU Secretary