GMB@EDF Generation

Further to our recent bulletin in which it was confirmed that the 3rd Year of the Pay Settlement (1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019) would be 3.0%, we can now inform you that, at the 27th February 2018 meeting of the NJC, the Year 3 settlement was ratified.
As reminder the details of the Year 3 Settlement are below for your information.
“With effect from 1 April 2018, salaries and flowthroughs are increased by CPI + 0.5% (based on an average of the 2017 CPI over the period January – December 2017) with an RPI underpin (based on an average of 2017 RPI over the period January – December 2017) with a floor of 1% and a ceiling of 3%.”
In line with the Company’s formula:
CPI + 0.5% = 2.68% + 0.5% = 3.18%, and RPI = 3.58%
Therefore, your pay increase from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 = 3.0% (based on the ceiling of 3.0%). If there are any queries, please speak to your Reps in the first instance.
GMB will be starting the consultation process for the 2019 pay round later this year.
Thank you again for your support.
Best wishes
Justin Bowden, National Secretary, GMB Commercial Services Section
Email: or Tel: 020 7391 6709 (PA)