No. 52, dated October 2017
Dear Colleagues
GMB support its members being part of the EDF pension scheme, but understands that due to personal circumstances, some are unable to participate or may have alternative arrangements.
Following concerned members contacting our reps yesterday and today, GMB has approached EDF management to ask why staff were not written to before the auto-enrolment cut-off date.
GMB understands that the company last wrote to its staff, about the auto-enrolment process, in 2013, some four years ago - so we are at a loss to understand why staff were not written to before the 1st October 2017 deadline to auto-enrol.
GMB believes the communications approach taken by the company to date falls short, resulting in deductions being taken from our lowest paid members’ pay that they were not expecting.
GMB has therefore asked the company to explain how this situation arose and what it is going to do to resolve this matter in a timely manner – to ensure our members are not left out of pocket.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Reps.
Best wishes.
Justin Bowden
National Secretary
GMB Commercial Services Section