GMB@EDF Generation

Dear Colleagues
EDF is attacking your Outage Agreements. They want you to pay for the costs of them complying with their lawful obligations around holiday pay.
EDF is breaching the 3-year pay deal agreed with the Unions last year, with implications for everyone.
GMB will not stand by and let the company rip up deals it has made and take money from your pockets.
GMB and our sister Unions in EDF reached an agreement at company level last December on the payment of holiday pay going forward.
Generation management were part of the painstaking process to negotiate a new holiday pay calculation to keep up with changes in the law.
When GMB makes an Agreement with EDF, we expect it to be honoured, including by the management of Generation.
GMB and the other Unions, have called for EDF to come to its senses over Outage Agreements and outsourcing (see below). If EDF do not, your Reps believe industrial action is the only way to defend our Agreements.
GMB is therefore balloting members in Generation to see what you want to do to oppose these attacks on your Agreements and pay.
Please cast your vote on the ballot paper provided by no later than noon on Monday, 6th November. Above all, make sure you vote, make sure you have your say.
GMB has serious concerns over the unacceptably high levels of contractors, temps and agency workers on the Sites. In fact, it seems out of control in some areas. Many are doing work that could, and should, be done by directly employed EDF staff; many have been there for years - sometimes decades! The time is long overdue for the trend of outsourcing and externalisation to be reversed, beginning with where it is more costly than employing staff directly.
Yours fraternally
Justin Bowden
National Secretary
GMB Commercial Services Section
Tel: 020 7391 6709 (PA)