Joint Trade Union side – L7/L8 staff pay news – dispute update

Dear Trade Union member
Following an overwhelming rejection of the pay offer made to members last month, the joint staff trade unions – UNISON and the GMB notified the business we would be entering into a formal dispute in an effort to improve the pay offer to members. All sides recognised a dispute could ultimately lead to industrial action if nothing changed.
At the end of last week the business asked for a further conversation and the use of an independent mediator to avoid the dispute escalating. The joint trade unions had made it clear for any further conversations to take place two essential conditions needed to be met.
- More money is required from the business to improve the offer above 1.75%
- It should be on the basis of no strings attached
The business have confirmed they are willing to meet these two conditions although have not indicated how much additional money might be available. This will be the subject of the further discussion.
We welcome the move by the business to enable a further discussion and we hope an acceptable offer can be made to the staff.
We are now set to hold a further conversation with the business facilitated by an independent mediator in a bid to get an improved pay offer without any strings attached. We will keep you updated on any progress made or further next steps.
The joint unions thank the members for their patience and support in this matter. It is important that we stay united and work to secure a better deal for staff.
Thank you from your joint union negotiating team
S.Fegan (National Officer) C.Gardner
M.Lay (National Officer)
A.Greenhalgh, L.McNaught, N.Tomany
V.Blackburn, G.Byron