British Gas Electrical Services

Yesterday your senior GMB reps from electrical took part in a Teleconference with Tracy Nokes and Sean Murphy who are the heads of planning and dispatch in the S&R business at the Stockport office.
There was a shared concern that the situation regarding travel and mapping of engineers in some areas needs addressing urgently as the impact on both colleagues and customers is not acceptable.
We have pushed for face to face meetings with the previous ES teams and service managers as soon as possible in order to explore the changes and address the issues together as Electrical teams which should have been the case before the business merger.
We have also challenged with regards to the areas engineers that are working whilst on bank hours and have been assured these will remain the same as before the merger and will probably change after engagement with the workforce before the new rosters start in October 2017.
It is early days yet but we are confident with engagement this situation can and must be rectified but there is a long way to go and a lot of bridges to be rebuilt between the business and the workforce.
Please keep your local reps informed of any issues. The feedback has been valuable to us so far. We will get through this challenging period together and emerge stronger.
If you are not a member of the GMB join at
Yours in solidarity
Stuart Fegan
National Officer, GMB Commercial Services