ASDA Retail Consultations – Pick Rate

As you may know, Asda are currently in collective consultation proceedings with both GMB and Asda’s National Colleague Voice in regards to proposals by the business to cut hours in Ambient and Home Shopping, as well as the removal of 800+ Section Leaders from the business.
We have recently been discussing with Asda the nature of the selection matrices. A selection matrix is to be used when 2 or more colleagues apply for the same job role impacted by the proposals. It scores colleagues against a criteria decided by Asda through consultation proceedings.
In this consultation, the National Colleague Voice has recommended to Asda that they think impacted colleagues should be scored against their PICK RATE when applying for the Home Shopping Personal Shopper role. This could result in colleagues being made redundant for being 1 point below the picking figure Asda would decide upon.
GMB have made it clear in our meetings with Asda that we do not agree to the inclusion of PICK RATES on the selection matrix, and we will not compromise on that position. Asda’s own documentation clearly states that pick rate is a wage planning tool, it is not mandatory and colleagues are not to be performance managed to achieve it where they are unable to do so. ASDA COLLEAGUES HAVE NEVER BEEN EMPLOYED ON THE CONDITION THAT THEY ARE ABLE TO ACHIEVE THAT PICK RATE.
On top of that, scoring via pick rate discriminates against colleagues with disabilities, our older colleagues, the less physically able, and many others. Additionally, it is impossible to know where a pick rate has been slowed due to having to help more customers than normal, as would occur if a colleague was employed later in the day or later in the week compared to other colleagues. Encouraging too high a pick rate can also lead to accidents, injuries, and poor customer service. We await Asda’s response to our concerns.
If you’re an impacted colleague and would like support or advice, speak to your local GMB shop steward or visit the GMB Members’ Support Centre at
Kind regards,
Nathan Clarke
GMB National Shop Steward
For assistance visit the GMB Members Support Centre