BA Heathrow Ascales Industrial Action Ballot

BA Heathrow Ascales Industrial Action Ballot
The BA Heathrow Ascales Industrial Action Ballot is now open.
This is an important Ballot for all GMB members employed on Ascale Contracts of employment within Heathrow.
You will shortly be receiving your Ballot paper from Civica the independent scrutineer conducting the ballot on behalf of GMB in accordance with legislation giving you the opportunity to take part and vote.
If for whatever reason you do receive your Ballot paper by Monday 13th June 2022, in order that you can take part and vote in the Ballot it is important that you email Sylva Klojdova at providing your details, your current address and your old address so that arrangements can be made with Civica to post a duplicate ballot paper to you.
Your vote is important make sure you vote on this ballot to get your voice heard.