GMB Schools and Academies - abuse is not part of the job

Dear GMB Member
We hope this finds you well.
GMB London is launching a new campaign to end the apparent tolerance of violence and abuse against school support staff.
The campaign will highlight the challenges school support staff are facing and in particular focus on the violence and abuse they suffer at work.
From meeting and listening to members, it is clear there is a tolerance of both physical and verbal abuse in schools and there is an expectation for support staff to just put up with it. GMB London is clear though that abuse is not part of the job.
Health and Safety at Work Legislation is the same for every workplace and school support staff should be protected in the same way as any other worker. School support staff should not be suffering in silence- it’s time to speak up and speak out. Violence, physical or verbal abuse is not part of the job and our campaign will deliver this message.
GMB London is here to represent you and give a voice to your experience and thoughts and therefore we would be grateful if you would please take a minute to complete our survey about what is happening to you and in your school.
An email has been sent to members with details of the survey, please check your emails. If you haven't received an email please contact us at
We know our members are committed to the work they do and the pupils they work with but we also know how undervalued and unseen they feel at work. School support staff are one of the most abused groups of workers in the country and suffer work-related stress and anxiety because of this.
With increasing numbers of pupils with more challenging and complex behaviours, more pressure and responsibility is being placed on support staff without any recognition of this. This is not going to change without GMB members coming together and asserting it's not part of the job to be abused. Our strength is in our numbers and by coming together we can make a difference.
You deserve to be respected, recognised, rewarded, and importantly not harmed at work. GMB London is on your side and here to make work better.
If you would like to find out more about how you can become involved or arrange for GMB to visit your school please email If you have any colleagues who are not in a Union they can join GMB online at
Thank you for your time in completing the survey.
Kind regards,
Lisa Bangs, GMB London Region Organiser
Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Officer