The ULEZ Expansion, coming into force 29th August 2023, is generating much concern and anxiety amongst workers driving to work or using vehicles for work, whose vehicle is not ELEZ compliant. During a cost of living crisis, most people feel that this is the wrong time to be introducing this stealth tax. GMB members have made their concerns known and we support a call for The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and TFL to reconsider the implementation of the ULEZ expansion.
GMB is aware that pollution is a major problem but believes there must be more consideration given to the plight of workers on low incomes who simply cannot afford the purchase of a ULEZ-compliant vehicle due to the cost of living crisis and with it, the constant battle to pay bills and put food on the table.
GMB has concerns regarding the speed of the implementation of the ULEZ expansion in Greater London, wherein there is often a poor transport network, the scrappage scheme does not go far enough for low-paid workers and for members working in sectors around the clock who feel unduly penalised in a cost of living crisis.
We know this is very worrying for so many and we want the voices of our members to be heard.
Join GMB's campaign calling for TFL to postpone the ULEZ expansion, and give proper consideration to the overall impact and timing of its implementation.
What can you do to help?
Petition · Stop Sadiq Khan expanding the ULEZ to all the London borough 2023 · Change.org
We would like to hear from you about your concerns and what the additional burden of this stealth tax may mean to you, your working life, and your life outside of work.
If you would like to voice your concerns please write to Trevlyn.McLeod@gmb.org.uk, perry.phillips@gmb.org.uk or paula.keane@gmb.org.uk
GMB hopes that by drawing together strong opposition to this ill-timed ULEZ expansion, we affect a delay in implementation with better, practical solutions to the problems the ULEZ expansion poses for so many GMB members, their families, their communities, local businesses, and local economies.
Please read GMB's Congress Policy on road pricing and congestion charging
Did you know there is another plan afoot? Road user charging
The London Assembly Transport Committee has recently made a call for evidence, below. GMB London would encourage those branches, especially inside and on the outskirts of London, to advertise the information and the link below to members and make a submission where they see fit.
There are wider concerns that members may wish to express. Your concerns and views will be heard and GMB London will represent members with these contributions at every possible level.
Please feel free to circulate the below link
ULEZ Expansion 2023 - Transport for London (tfl.gov.uk)
GMB Member Tina Bhachu, Passenger Check-in Assistant working at Heathrow Airport and Trevlyn McLeod, GMB Organiser spoke on BBC Radio Berkshire on Wednesday 15th February
Take a listen ⇓
In the News . . .
ULEZ: More than 1m people outside London to be hit by expansion - report - BBC News
"It is also reckless for the mayor to push ahead with this in the middle of a cost of living crisis whilst millions have no access to car scrappage schemes or decent local transport links." Sir Ed Davy, Lib Dems